Ian Attridge
Governor, OLTA’s Board of Governors
- Covenants and Servitudes: Emerging Trends and Challenges
- Indigenous Land Trusts: Opportunities and Challenges in a Colonial Context
As a settler lawyer and ecologist in Nogojiwanong (Peterborough, ON), Ian Attridge practices and teaches environmental, non-profit, planning and trails law. Ian has advised many land holders, land trusts and governments at all levels, including Indigenous organizations and the Ontario Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment. He has also authored numerous publications and policy submissions. Over his 40-year career, Ian has led development of the legal framework for land trusts and securement-related tax incentives, protected areas, and trails in Ontario and beyond. His work has directly conserved over 20,000 acres of private and public lands and helped form or update more than 20 organizations, including land trusts. He is currently a Governor (Director) of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance, an Associate at Trent University, and Co-Chair of the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership’s Indigenous Land Trust Circle.
Email: iancattridge@gmail.com

Bob Barnett
Executive Director, Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy
- Forests to conserve carbon
Bob Barnet was one of the founders of Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy in 1997, which has now protected 211 nature reserves with 20,500 acres (83 sq km). He has worked with Carbonzero to market roughly $500,000 of carbon offsets to Canadian governments and corporations. His current project is to develop a program which will meet the enhanced verification standards and allow both private landowners and land trusts across Canada to market their offsets effectively.
Email: rbarnett@escarpment.ca

James Bartram
President, Canadian National Committee, IUCN
- Meaningful Youth Engagement – the long-distance fuel for nature conservation
- Generation Next
James Bartram has a BSC (Hons) and Masters in Education. He taught in about 30 schools in three countries before making the switch to conservation education. James was the funding Education Director for the Parks Canada Palisade outdoor school in Jasper, AB, restructured and greatly expanded the national education programs for Canadian Wildlife Federation and established a national social enterprise education program as Vice President for Ocean Wise. He now works to support NGO and Governments to scale meaningful youth engagement and serves as President of the Canadian Committee of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Email: Bartram.james@gmail.com

Margaret (Meg) Beckel
Retired director and former chair, Canadian Museum of Nature, Canadian Committee for IUCN
- Keynote: A Nation for Nature: Relevance, Collaboration and Connection
As President & CEO of the Canadian Museum of Nature, Meg Beckel led a team of passionate and committed individuals dedicated to the Museum’s mission to save the world for future generations with evidence, knowledge and inspiration from 2011 to 2022, when she retired. Prior to joining the Museum, Meg was Vice-President, External Relations at the University of Waterloo, Chief Operating Officer of the Royal Ontario Museum and Executive Director of External Relations at the University of Victoria. Meg remains engaged in the community as an observer of the CCIUCN board, as past chair of the IWF Ottawa Chapter and as a member of the Philanthropy Committee for the Canadian Canoe Museum, still putting her BA in political science and her MBA to good use. “Everyone has a role to play in understanding and tackling climate change and biodiversity loss. I think must be both courageous and collaborative to have lasting impact. To that end, natural history museum and nature conservation organizations have an opportunity and an obligation to step up and play a more vital role.”
Email: beckelmeg@gmail.com

Julie Boucher
Director, Conservation Partnerships, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Working Together Towards Canada’s Objectives to Protect 25% of its Lands and Inland Waters
Julie Boucher has been employed with Environment and Climate change Canada (ECCC) on and off since 2009. As Director Conservation Partnerships, she can finally apply her dedication to nature conservation and her commitment to Indigenous partners to help ECCC and Canada meet their area-based conservation targets and Reconciliation objectives. In the past, Julie has managed Canada’s hosting of World Environment Day 2017, accompanied the Minister on a number of climate change international missions as Director, Ministerial Liaison, launched and managed the Indigenous Guardians Pilot and established three distinct Indigenous governance bodies to co-design, co-develop and co-deliver the Pilot. Julie holds a Master of Environmental Education and Communications degree from Royal Roads University and an Environmental Protection Degree from St-Félicien Collège. Julie is a mother of three who has recently become a Naahn (Grandmother), and in her spare time, enjoys reconnecting with her Indigenous roots, singing with a rock band, horseback riding, kayaking, gardening and time on her motorcycle.
Email: julie.boucher@ec.gc.ca

Ariane Breault
Conservation Projects Coordinator, Horizon-Nature Bas-Saint-Laurent
- Ensuring Southern Quebec’s Nature Connectivity in the Face of Climate Change: A Collective Affair!
Ariane Breault is a project manager for Horizon-Nature Bas-Saint-Laurent, a conservation organization dedicated to the protection of natural habitats and biodiversity, particularly through ecological corridor projects. Ariane holds a bachelor’s degree in biology, with a specialization in ecology, and a master’s degree in agroforestry, during which she studied the potential for restoring ecological connectivity through linear agroforestry systems in agricultural areas of southern Quebec. She is now coordinating the Great Ecological Corridor regional project in collaboration with partners in New Brunswick (Canada) and Maine (USA). With the help of a regional advisory committee, Horizon-Nature BSL is able to conceptualize and implement a road ecology project that reflects its community, including 31 wildlife crossings and a wide variety of stakeholders.
Email: ariane.breault@horizonnaturebsl.org

Jessica Burns
Program Director, Wildlife Habitat Canada
- The Land Trust Conservation Fund: Experiences and Lessons Learned From the Past Years to Build on for Tomorrow
Jessica Burns joined the WHC team in 2019. Jessica holds a BA in Sociology from Queen’s University and extensive executive and grants administration experience, across private, government and non-profit organizations. Prior to joining WHC, Jessica spent 5 yrs with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority working in Integrated Watershed Management. She obtained a BSc in Arts and a BA in Sociology at Queen’s University.
Email: jburns@whc.org.

Brice Cailié
Executive Director, Réseau de milieux naturels protégés
- Opening Remarks
- Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECM) In Terrestrial Environments: Provincial Accounting Contributing to Canadian Targets
- Closing Remarks
Brice Caillié recently became the Executive Director of the Réseau de milieux naturels protégés, the Quebec provincial alliance of conservation organizations, which he joined in July 2019. He is a geographer and geomatician by training. He holds a bachelor’s degree in geography from the Sorbonne and a master’s degree in environment from the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. After a first experience in flood forecasting in the south of France, he chose to specialize in geomatics thanks to a master’s degree in Geographic Sciences obtained at the University of Sherbrooke in partnership with Appalachian Corridor. Following his master’s degree, he worked at Géomont before becoming a consultant in social and environmental geography to support NPOs in their missions.
Email: brice.caillie@rmnat.org

Allen Campbell
Partner, Real Estate and Property Team, Boyne Clarke LLP, Halifax, NS
- Securing Important Conservation Properties Owned by U.S. Taxpayers
Allen is a real estate and property lawyer in Dartmouth, NS. Active in the real estate community, he is a member of Real Estate Lawyers Association of Nova Scotia (RELANS), the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society and the Canadian Bar Association. He has worked on numerous Canadian transactions involving U.S. taxpayers. Combining his passion for hiking and a commitment to environmental stewardship and accessibility, he supports conservation efforts in Atlantic Canada and volunteers with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust and various trail organizations to support sustainability throughout Nova Scotia’s trail systems. He recently joined the Board of Directors of American Friends of Canadian Conservation.
Email: acampbell@boyneclarke.ca

Dawn Carr
Director, Strategic Conservation, Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Think Big! The Contribution and Role of Private Land Conservation to the Next Global Biodiversity Framework
As the Director of Strategic Conservation at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), Dawn Carr is accelerating conservation impact by expanding the role of Canadian private land conservation into national and international dialogues. Prior to joining NCC, Dawn was the first woman to hold the position of Executive Director for the Canadian Parks Council where she advised senior executives in Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial park agencies and led initiatives to grow a pan-Canadian parks and protected area communities. With over 20 years of experience in the parks and protected areas sector, Dawn’s passion extends into volunteer roles within the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Dawn holds a Master of Public Administration from Queen’s University focused on environmental policy and community development, and a Master of Arts and undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo. Most recently Dawn was recognized by the Canadians Parks Council with a 2021 Individual Award of Excellence for her exemplary contributions to Canada’s parks and protected areas community.
Email: dawn.carr@natureconservancy.ca

Tracy Cloud
Director of Trilateral Negotiations, Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Inc. (MTI)
Keki’namuanen Msit Wen Wlo’tmnen Nmaqami’kminu Inc. (Mi’gmaq Land Trust)
- Protecting Land in an Ethical Space
Tracy Anne Cloud is member of Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation and has been the Director of Trilateral Negotiations for Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Inc. (MTI) since 2016. Over the past 20 years, Tracy has developed a diverse set of professional skills resulting from her work experience within the Atlantic Indigenous communities, particularly in Indigenous Rights and Treaty Implementation. Tracy has passion and a deep connection for her people, culture and land. She continues to advocate for Indigenous Rights, the revitalization of Mi’gmaq laws, reconciliation, and reclamation within Mi’gmaq’i. The Mi’gmaq have been stewards of their territory since time and memorial, exercising rights based activities thoughout the territory. Canada’s Pathway to Target 1 Challenge project has allowed the Mi’gmaq to advance their vision of developing Mi’gmaq protected areas within the territory. Keki’namuanen Msit Wen Wlo’tmnen Nmaqami’kminu Inc. has been developed to protect lands in perpetuity for the Mi’gmaq of New Brunswick. These lands will be protected and stewarded according to Mi’gmaq law and customs, for our future generations.
Email: tracyanne@migmawel.org

Diego Creimer
Nature Solutions and Government Relations Manager, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- How to Obtain a Meeting with a Minister – And Be Sure It’s Not the Last One.
Diego Creimer studied physics, film, fine arts, journalism and public relations. He worked in film production in his native Argentina before moving to Quebec in 1999. He worked for six years as a journalist at CBC / Radio-Canada International. Passionate about the environment and social movements, he has held various positions since 2012 in Canadian and Quebec environmental NGOs. Diego joined the CPAWS Quebec team in February 2021.
Email: diego@snapquebec.org

Erin Dann
Sespite’tmnej Kmitkinu Conservancy Coordinator, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
- Indigenous Land Trusts: Opportunities and Challenges in a Colonial Context
Erin is of settler ancestry and is originally from Calgary in Treaty 7 territory. She has a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and a Masters of Resource and Environmental Management. Erin’s current role at the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq is as the coordinator of a Mi’kmaw-led land trust, Sespite’tmnej Kmitkinu Conservancy. Sespite’tmnej Kmitkinu Conservancy was developed from a collaborative project between the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources, and Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife Commission with the to develop and establish Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas within Nova Scotia. Sespite’tmnej Kmitkinu Conservancy aims to protect lands that are ecologically and/or culturally significant to the Mi’kmaq for current and future generations. The Conservancy will hold land on behalf of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia so that the Mi’kmaq may continue to practice Mi’kmaw stewardship, traditions, culture, law, and practices on the land.

Marie-Lyne Després-Einspenner
Executive Director, Éco-corridors laurentiens
- Ensuring Southern Quebec’s Nature Connectivity in the Face of Climate Change: A Collective Affair!
Marie-Lyne Després-Einspenner holds a B.Sc. Wildlife and Habitat Management from the University of Quebec in Rimouski, as well as a master’s degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Quebec in Montreal. She has been working since 2010 in the fields of research, conservation project management and ecological connectivity and has worked in Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Germany and Quebec. Among her achievements, botanical and wildlife inventories, the design and drafting of conservation plans according to the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, the modelling and validation of ecological corridors, as well as the engagement of municipalities and private property owners.
Email: marie.despres@ecocorridorslaurentiens.org

Samuel Geller
Physical Science Officer, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECM) In Terrestrial Environments: Provincial Accounting Contributing to Canadian Targets
Samuel Geller is a Physical Sciences Officer for Environment Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Canadian Wildlife Service. In his role, Sam leads an ECCC Screening Task Team specializing in assessments of candidate Protected Area (PA) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs). He started with ECCC in 2018 working as part of the Pan-Canadian Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative in a secretariat role and in 2019 joined this Screening Task Team, preforming PA/OECM site assessments as an active member. He focuses on biodiversity conservation outcomes across Canada, working with a broad spectrum of partners and stakeholders to recognize their contributions to Canada’s Protected and Conserved Areas Network. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a minor in Environmental Sciences and a specialization in conservation ecology.

Aline Grenon
Project Coordinator, Regroupement pour la pérennité de l’ïle Verte
- Covenants and Servitudes: Emerging Trends and Challenges
Aline Grenon is a retired lawyer and law professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, and formerly a member of the Quebec and Ontario Bars. For several years, she taught a course on trusts in common law and Quebec civil law, including the law relating to charitable trusts and trusts to protect the environment. Co-editor of a two-volume work on Canadian comparative law, Elements of Canadian Common Law: A Comparison with the Common Law of Canada. She is currently a Director for Regroupement pour la pérennité de l’ìleVerte since its constitution in 2010 and its coordinator of Conservation Projects.
Email: Aline.Grenon@notreileverte.org

Bruce Harrison
BC Head of Conservation Science & Planning, Ducks Unlimited Canada
- Addressing Unplanned Outdoor Recreation Use on Conservation Lands
Bruce Harrison is a Registered Professional Biologist in British Columbia and has spent the last 21 years as a biologist for Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), an organization which helps conserve wetlands in Canada for the benefit of waterfowl, other wildlife and people. Bruce currently works out of Kamloops in the role of DUC’s provincial biologist, and has helped to identify, design, restore and manage a wide variety of DUC’s conservation projects in all parts of the province, including dozens of properties owned by DUC, or properties where DUC has the primary management responsibility. Bruce holds an MSc from the University of Alberta, a Technical Diploma in Fish, Wildlife and Recreation from BCIT, and a BSc from the University of BC in Animal Biology.
Email: b_harrison@ducks.ca

Dr. Howie Harshaw
Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, University of Alberta
- Addressing Unplanned Outdoor Recreation Use on Conservation Lands
Dr. Howie Harshaw examines the human dimensions of natural resources, with an emphasis on outdoor recreation to understand the relationships that people have with nature, and to investigate the interactions of resource development and quality of life. Howie integrates social science into the planning and management of natural resources and has worked regularly in interdisciplinary teams to provide theoretically based empirical research contributions to broader landscape-based projects examining sustainability issues. Throughout his research, Howie has worked with communities, provincial, municipal, state, and federal governments, and industry to better represent the views and attitudes of the public in policy and operational decisions. Working with these same groups, Howie has also helped to raise the profile of outdoor recreation issues and concerns regarding broader land-use planning initiatives and strategies.
Email: harshaw@ualberta.ca

Alison Howson
Executive Director, Ontario Land Trust Alliance
- Opening Remarks
Alison Howson has been a passionate supporter of land and environmental protection for many years. She is a founding director the Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts and also a member of the Canadian Land Trust Working Group. Before joining OLTA, she held positions leading teams focused on protecting habitats and species in the context of sustainable development and changing land use policy. Her career experience includes leadership in business and financial development, team building, and operations. Alison has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology and a Research Masters in Ecology and Environmental Management. She has 25 years of experience working in the field of conservation and natural heritage protection, in both for-profit and not-for-profit positions. Alison lives in Toronto/Treaty 13/ Williams Treaties territory, with her family.

Clint Jacobs
President, Walpole Island Land Trust
- Protecting Land in an Ethical Space
Clint Jacobs is Anishinaabe from Bkejwanong (Walpole Island First Nation) on the north shore of Lake St. Clair. He is part of the Natural Heritage Program team that implements numerous initiatives relating to conservation and is also the founder and president of the Walpole Island Land Trust.
Email: clint.jacobs@wifn.org

Mikayla Johnston-Clayton
Program Coordinator, Ontario Land Trust Alliance
- Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECM) In Terrestrial Environments: Provincial Accounting Contributing to Canadian Targets
Mikayla Johnston-Clayton is OLTA’s Program Coordinator. Mikayla holds a Master of Environmental Science, specializing in Conservation and Biodiversity at the University of Toronto. Prior to this, Mikayla completed a BSc. in Zoology at the University of Guelph. During her studies at the University of Guelph, Mikayla participated in an Arctic Ecology field course in Churchill, MB, where she completed an independent research project exploring variation in spider community compositions with changes in vegetation density. In her spare time, Mikayla enjoys reading, skiing, hiking, and visiting her family’s cottage near Haliburton.
Email: mikayla.johnston-clayton@olta.ca

Dr. Sahebeh Karimi
Postdoctoral Fellow, Carleton University
- NCC Prioritization Tool 1 “Where to Work”
Sahebeh Karimi is a Postdoc fellow at Carleton University. Her general research interest is about the effects of land use/cover change on Ecosystem Services. Her main interests are helping decision-makers to find spatially ecological/environmental-friendly solutions and systematic conservation planning. She also works on systematic literature review projects. She holds a Ph.D on Environmental Science/land use planning.
Email: SahebehKarimi@cunet.carleton.ca

Daria Koscinski
Executive Director, Thames Talbot Land Trust
- Building Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change: Exploring Ways Land Trusts Can Overcome Barriers and Take Action
Daria Koscinski is the Executive Director at Thames Talbot Land Trust. Daria has been actively involved in conservation and land stewardship in Ontario since 2000 through her education, work and volunteer experience with environmental groups. Daria received her BSc and MSc from Queen’s University and her PhD from Western University with a focus on ecology, population genetics and habitat fragmentation. Daria’s passion for climate change mitigation and adaptation led her to join OLTA’s Cliamte Action Working Group to focus on solutions for natural areas in the face of this major challenge. Daria enjoys spending time in nature, restoring habitats, and sharing her enthusiasm for local biodiversity through educational programs.
Email: daria.koscinski@ttlt.ca

Laura Kucey
Ontario Ecological Gifts Program Coordinator, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Ecological Gifts Program, a National Perspective
Laura Kucey holds a degree in Biology and Geography from Colgate University and a M.Sc. in Zoology from the University of British Columbia. Laura’s experience includes working for National Geographic magazine, five years with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources contributing to biodiversity and Great Lakes protection efforts and several years as the Species at Risk Consultations Biologist travelling to discuss federal recovery strategies with landowners, corporations, Indigenous communities and interested parties. Laura has been the Ontario EGP Coordinator since 2015, working with land trusts in Ontario as well as the EGP National Secretariat on program and policy initiatives.
Email: laura.kucey@ec.gc.ca

Jasper Lament
CEO, The Nature Trust of British Columbia
- Strategies for Funding Long-Term Stewardship
A Vancouver native, Dr. Lament brings a lifelong love of wildlife and two decades of biology, conservation and non-profit experience to his role leading The Nature Trust of BC’s successful conservation efforts. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biology and Geography from Queen’s University and a PhD in Biology from the University of Miami, Florida. Prior to joining The Nature Trust of BC, he was Senior Environmental Coordinator at BC Hydro and Conservation Program Manager at Ducks Unlimited’s national headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. He also managed coastal wetland restoration projects in California and served for five years on the staff of the North American Wetlands Conservation Council. Dr. Lament enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors with his wife and young children.
Email: jlament@naturetrust.bc.ca

Charles Latremouille
Consultant, Center for Land Conservation
- Standards, Practices, Performance – Building Confidence and Capacity in the Sector
Charles Latrémouille is an environmental consultant. He supports non-profit organizations and governments in improving their land use planning, strategic planning, and project and program management and evaluation practices. Charles is also a lecturer at Rosemont College and worked for 15 years with the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Charles has a master’s degree in Biology from the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, and a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural and Environmental Science from McGill University.
Email: charles.latremouille@gmail.com

Melanie Lelièvre
Executive Director, Appalachian Corridor
- Conservation History of the Khartoum-Simard Protected Area: 442 Hectares of Natural Environment Protected in Perpetuity
- Covenants and Servitudes: Emerging Trends and Challenges
For the past 15 years, Mélanie Lelièvre has been the executive director of Appalachian Corridor, a non-profit conservation organization. With a team of 20 regular employees, which even reaches thirty with the seasonal workers in the field during the summer, she oversees the mission of protecting the natural environments and biodiversity of the Appalachian region of southern Quebec. Mélanie has strong skills in managing environmental organizations and projects. Before joining Appalachian Corridor, she held various management positions, notably in a large environmental services company where she led a team of five directors and twenty-five professionals. With a bachelor’s degree in agronomy and a specialization in organic agriculture, she was drawn to the Appalachian Corridor primarily because of her interest in environmental protection and biology. Since 2007, she has been coordinating specific projects, negotiating major conservation transactions, managing human and financial resources, contributing to the organization’s outreach and developing strategic partnerships. She is driven by innovation and creativity and deploys tireless energy to protect the region’s natural environments.
Email: info@corridorappalachien.ca

Danika Littlechild
Assistant Professor, Carleton University
- Protecting Land in an Ethical Space
Danika Billie Littlechild is from Ermineskin Cree Nation, Neyaskweyahk, Maskwacis, Alberta, Treaty 6 Territory. Prior to joining the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University in 2020, Danika practiced law in Canada for nearly two decades, advising Indigenous peoples across Canada and abroad. In Canada, Danika has served First Nations in the areas of environment, Indigenous legal orders, health and governance. Danika has served as an advisor and representative of indigenous peoples in various UN mechanisms, treaty bodies and special procedures, among others. Over the past decades, Danika has focused much of her efforts on issues related to the environment, water, climate change, sustainability and, more recently, conservation and biodiversity. Danika served as co-chair of the Indigenous Circle of Experts for the Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative, intended to help achieve Canada’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
Email: Danika.Littlechild@carleton.ca

Xavier Llano
PhD Student in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Northern British Columbia
- Climate Adaptive Planning Tool for British Columbia
Xavier Llano is a PhD student in the program Natural Resources and Environmental Studies at the University of Northern British Columbia, and active with the Conservation Solution Lab research group. His lines of research are about conservation planning and climate change and he is involved as a researcher in the Climate Adaptive Planning for British Columbia projects. His background is in computer science, with experiences on various topics such as climate and weather forecast with physical models, parallel programming, GIS and remote sensing analysis.
Email: llano@unbc.ca

Larry McDermott
Executive Director, Plenty Canada
- Opening Ceremony
- Closing Ceremony
Larry McDermott is Algonquin from Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation, and is the Executive Director of Plenty Canada. Larry is currently a member of numerous organizations including the International Indigenous Forum for Biodiversity, the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership, Ontario Biodiversity Council, to name a few. A former three-time Mayor and long-time council member of Lanark Highlands, was the first Chair of the Rural Forum of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, was a Commissioner for the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and was on the Ontario Species at Risk Public Advisory Committee and provincial and national recovery teams for the American Eel. Larry also served as a comprehensive claim representative for Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation, and holds various environmental certifications. He has also received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Guelph. Larry was a humble student for many years of the late Algonquin Elder, Grandfather William Commanda.

Bob McLean
Executive Director, Centre for Land Conservation
- Standards, Practices, Performance – Building Confidence and Capacity in the Sector
As a young retiree from the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), after nearly 41 years of service, Bob McLean has since worked with Aboriginal, agricultural and invasive species organizations and is currently the Executive Director of the Center for Land Conservation (the repository for the Canadian standards and practices). Over the course of his career, Bob’s responsibilities have ranged from the Convention on Biological Diversity to migratory birds and species at risk programs to habitat conservation initiatives. His efforts have contributed, for example, to the designation of several new National Wildlife Areas and the establishment of habitat stewardship programs. He has long recognized the value and importance of private sector contributions to conservation.
Email: bob.mclean@centreforlandconservation.org

Paul McNair
Executive Director, Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
- Opening Remarks
- Together we are stronger, more visible, and more credible: Advancing land conservation together through Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts (ACLT)
Paul McNair has been the Executive Director of the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia since 2010. He serves on the Canadian Land Trust Working Group and the Interim Board of the Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts. He holds a master’s degree in Philanthropy & Development and a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. Paul was awarded the Outstanding Professional Fundraiser Award by the Association of Professional Fundraisers and has served on the boards of more than 20 nonprofits.
Email: paul@ltabc.ca

Stephanie Merrill
CEO, Nature Trust of New Brunswick
- Protecting Land in an Ethical Space
Stephanie has returned home to New Brunswick from Saskatchewan to join the Nature Trust team. With a background in water science and management and previous roles within the academic, non-profit, and charitable environmental sectors, she has built her career around facilitating knowledge mobilization between watershed groups, Indigenous and settler community organizations, academic scientists, and government agencies for better natural resource policy and decision-making. Stephanie is excited by the opportunities to continue to protect our special natural spaces for all future generations of New Brunswickers and the wildlife that call this amazing place home.
Email: stephanie.merrill@ntnb.org

Kateri Monticone
Director, Conservation Science and Strategy, The Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Ensuring Southern Quebec’s Nature Connectivity in the Face of Climate Change: A Collective Affair!
Kateri Monticone is the Director Conservation Science and Strategy for the Nature Conservancy of Canada in Quebec. Since 2008, she has successfully led a variety of conservation projects on private lands and coordinated the design of conservation plans. She carries out large-scale projects in collaboration with multiple key players in land use planning, such as the Quebec Ecological Corridors initiative and the Southern Laurentians Atlas. A certified conservation coach, she offers training on conservation standards and provides support to help organizations with their strategic planning and to promote the active participation of key players in the conservation of connected natural environments. Kateri is a biologist by training and has a master’s degree in environmental science (2007) and a diploma in community mobilization and development (2019).
Email: kateri.monticone@natureconservancy.ca

Danielle Morrison
GIS Specialist, The Nature Trust of British Columbia
- Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECM) In Terrestrial Environments: Provincial Accounting Contributing to Canadian Targets
Danielle Morrison is the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist for the Nature Trust of British Columbia, an organization dedicated to conserving BC’s biological diversity through securement and management of ecologically significant lands. As part of an ongoing collaborative effort between conservation partners in BC, Danielle has helped to develop, and currently coordinates and maintains the BC NGO Conservation Areas Database, a comprehensive, standardized spatial inventory of BC’s non-governmental conservation areas. Information from this spatial database is submitted to the Canadian Protected and Conserved Areas Database and counts towards Canada’s national conservation objectives. Danielle holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a postgraduate diploma in GIS.
Email: dmorrison@naturetrust.bc.ca

Patrick Nantel
Science advisor on Ecosystem Conservation, Parks Canada
- The Urge to Purge: Terrestrial Invasive Species on Nature Preserves
Patrick Nantel has a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (UQAM, 1996) and has worked since 2002 as an ecosystem scientist at the Parks Canada Agency, with expertise in population ecology and modelling. He has developed various guides and decision support tools to help managers of national parks and other Parks Canada protected heritage places deal with the growing threat of invasive species. Among other things, he facilitated a community of practice and prepared technical guides on species such as the emerald ash borer and the hemlock woolly adelgid, as well as on climate change. He is currently preparing and validating a method for identifying management priorities for invasive alien species, as well as a model integrated management plan for those species, based on open conservation standards and evidence.
Email: patrick.nantel@pc.gc.ca

Kaz Nesbitt
Senior Manager, Income Tax Group, Grant Thornton, LLP, Peterborough, ON
- Securing Important Conservation Properties Owned by U.S. Taxpayers
Kaz Nesbitt is a senior manager in the income tax group at Grant Thornton. His practice focuses on succession and estate planning matters for high-net worth individuals and owner managers. Located in Peterborough, Ontario, Kaz spends a significant portion of his time assisting both Canadian and non-resident property owners facilitate a transfer of their real estate in a tax-efficient and tax-compliant manner. Kaz is a graduate of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with distinction. He worked in a local accounting practice in Peterborough firm until the firm joined Grant Thornton in 2018. He is the treasurer for the Peterborough Estate Planning Council, a member of the Canadian Tax Foundation and also serves on the board of directors for the Kawartha Family Court Assessment Service.
Email: Kaz.nesbitt@ca.gt.com

Darran O’Leary
Lands Manager, Peskotomuhkati Nation
- Protecting Land in an Ethical Space
Darran O’Leary is the land manager for the Passamaquoddy Recognition Group (PRG) after many years of experience in business, manufacturing, marketing, and sales. PRG works towards recognition of the Passamaquoddy (Peskotomuhkati) people in Canada. Darran is a great relationship builder and during his current career he built and strengthened many relationships with other indigenous groups, environmental non-governmental organizations, and government. In his free time, he enjoys nature with the family or coaches sports teams.

Jan Oudenes
Founder, MapleCross
- MapleCross: Investing in the Canadian Nature with You
Jan Oudenes was born in The Netherlands, grew up in a business environment and completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in radio and nuclear chemistry at the State University of Leyden. Subsequently he moved to Edmonton in 1974 and studied at the University of Alberta. After completing a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry, he studied at the Eidgenössische Hochschule in Zurich, Switzerland, investigating the prebiotic origin of life. Upon his return to Canada in 1982, he joined Torcan Chemical Ltd., a start-up laboratory company in pharmaceutical chemicals, and founded other companies in the same field, including Alphora Research Inc. Later he started various companies in this field. After selling the latest, and because he had developed an appreciation for nature during his studies in Alberta, canoe trips in Ontario and other Canadian adventures, he was led in 2017 to the establishment of MapleCross, whose mission is “Investing in Canada – Investing in Nature”.
Email: jan.oudenes@kennarshore.ca

Bruno Paris
Manager of Operations, Conservation Programs, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Ecological Gifts Program, a National Perspective
Bruno Paris is a biologist and holds a master’s degree in Environmental Science. Bruno has been working at the Canadian Wildlife Service since 2001 in the implementation of biodiversity conservation programs, particularly in invasive species control, species at risk recovery, wetland conservation and conservation on private lands. Prior to joining SCF, Bruno worked for IUCN in Africa on protected area establishment and management programs. He is currently the National Coordinator of the Ecological Gifts Program and oversees the implementation of the Natural Heritage Conservation Program.
Email: bruno.paris@ec.gc.ca

Gary Pritchard, Giniw (Golden Eagle)
Founder, 4 Directions Conservation Consulting Services; Conservation Ecologist & Indigenous Engagement/Placemaking Specialist from Curve Lake First Nation
- Protecting Land in an Ethical Space
Gary Pritchard has had the privilege to work on behalf of Indigenous peoples throughout Ontario and Canada. He has travelled and worked in almost 300 Indigenous communities throughout Canada and the northern United States. He has brought a wealth of knowledge to both his Indigenous and non-Indigenous cliental performing a wide variety of services including: Indigenous Community Planning, land use/traditional knowledge studies, Indigenous lead conservation and restoration, Ecological Monitoring using Two-eyed Seeing, Indigenous Place-making, capacity building, expert testimony, mediation between western science and traditional science and subject matter expert on behalf of Indigenous communities.
Email: gpritchard@4directionsconservation.com

Jenna Quinn
Program Scientist, Research & Education; Priorities, Partnerships & Monitoring, rare Charitable Research Reserve
- Building Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change: Exploring Ways Land Trusts Can Overcome Barriers and Take Action
Jenna Quinn is the Program Scientist at the rare Charitable Research Reserve, a land trust and environmental institute located in Waterloo/Wellington with a focus on conservation, research, and education and an emphasis on braiding Indigenous and Western approaches to these pillars. Since 2018, Jenna has been working with OLTA on the Climate Action Working Group, with goals to provide guidance and support to land trusts in the face of climate change and to increase public awareness of climate change as it affects land conservation. She holds Master’s degrees in Biology and Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology.
Email: Jenna.quinn@raresites.org

Amanda Reed
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Nature United
- Funding Through Innovative Sources
Amanda Reed is Nature United’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, advancing countrywide government relations and corporate partnerships in support of Indigenous-led conservation and tackling climate change through Natural Climate Solutions. Amanda was previously the Executive Director of Capitol Land Trust (CLT), a regional land trust focused on collaborative conservation with local governments, businesses and Native American Tribes. Amanda was also President of the Washington Association of Land Trusts representing more than 25 land trusts across the state and advocating for conservation funding and policies. Prior to joining CLT in 2014, Amanda spent nearly a decade with The Nature Conservancy (Nature United’s global affiliate), where she worked with landowners to permanently conserve their lands; supported the President & CEO (Mark Tercek) as his Outreach Manager; and worked as Policy Advisor to affect federal energy, transportation, and public lands legislation. Amanda holds a Master of Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Email: Amanda.reed@natureunited.ca

Luke Ridgway
Large Landscape Program Coordinator, Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Scaling Up Conservation in Ontario’s North
Luke Ridgway is a Conservation Biologist and Coordinator of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Large Landscapes Program in Ontario. Before joining the NCC, Luke worked in both the private and public sectors focusing on environmental policy and regulation, and served on the board of directors for the Wild Bird Trust of BC from 2017 to 2019. Since joining the NCC in the spring of 2022, Luke has led the field program for the first two phases of NCC’s Hastings Wildlife Junction (20,000 acres) and plays an active role in scouting and pursuing new Large Landscape conservation opportunities. He has a strong passion for community outreach and supporting outdoor recreation and appreciation in his hometown of Peterborough, Ontario. He holds a Master’s Degree is Ecological Restoration and a Bachelor’s Degree in Geographic Information Science.
Email: luke.ridgway@natureconservancy.ca

Morgan Roblin
Conservation Science Manager, Ontario Land Trust Alliance
- Building Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change: Exploring Ways Land Trusts Can Overcome Barriers and Take Action
Morgan Roblin is OLTA’s Conservation Science Manager. Morgan holds a BSc in Ecology from the University of Guelph where she completed a thesis focused on the impacts of the Algonquin Park logging industry on arthropod diversity. Morgan has completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Ecosystem Restoration from Niagara College. Prior to joining OLTA, Morgan worked as Conservation Coordinator for the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, coordinating stewardship activities including invasive species, management, species at risk monitoring, and trail maintenance. She also coordinated outreach events such as bioblitzes, workshops, and festivals.
Email: morgan.roblin@olta.ca

Graham Saul
Executive Director, Nature Canada
- Municipal planning in protected areas
Graham Saul has more than 25 years of experience working on social and environmental justice issues. His background includes five years with Oxfam International in Maputo, Mozambique, and five years in Washington, D.C., with the Bank Information Centre — an environmental watchdog and information clearinghouse that monitors the World Bank and other multilateral development banks. Since returning to Canada in 2004, he has worked as the International Programme Director for Friends of the Earth Canada and Oil Change International, and was the Executive Director of Climate Action Network Canada — a coalition of more than 100 Canadian organizations working together to push for action on climate change. Graham was a founding member and Executive Director of Ecology Ottawa, a grassroots environmental organization focused on the City of Ottawa. He believes that in order to build a better world, we need to learn how to build a better city.

Bonnie Sutherland
Executive Director, The Nova Scotia Nature Trust, Dartmouth, NS
- Securing Important Conservation Properties Owned by U.S. Taxpayers
- Strategies for Funding Long-Term Stewardship
Bonnie Sutherland is the founding executive director of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust. She has led many ambitious conservation and fundraising campaigns, helped to nurture collaborative conservation initiatives with governments, land trusts and Indigenous partners, and is part of a team of land trust leaders working to nurture and strengthen the land trust community across the country. She has led exciting pioneering initiatives: opening the door to ‘cross-border conservation’ in Canada — founding what is now the American Friends of Canadian Conservation; inspiring change to national and provincial policy to remove barriers/incentivize private land conservation; and breaking new ground in conservation easement application in Canada. She has degrees in environmental studies, biology, outdoor recreation and education, and a diverse background encompassing environmental consulting, land trusts, parks and protected areas, adventure and environmental education both here and abroad.
Email: Bonnie@nsnt.ca

Sandra Tassel
Program Coordinator, American Friends of Canadian Conservation
- Securing Important Conservation Properties Owned by U.S. Taxpayers
Sandra Tassel is the President of Look at the Land Inc, a conservation consulting firm that assists landowners, non-profits, government agencies and First Nations in the U.S. and Canada. Since 2012 Sandra has served as the contract Program Coordinator for American Friends of Canadian Conservation managing all aspects of its cross-border land protection work, involving landowners from the U.S. and Canadian partner entities. Sandra and her Canadian colleagues have completed 31 land and easement gifts in five provinces, permanently protecting nearly 4,000 acres with an appraised value of over $18M USD. In addition, she has advised landowners and partners on dozens of other successful projects. Sandra coauthored Save Some Green: A handbook for U.S. taxpayers who own land in Canada and The Conservation Program Handbook published by Island Press. She was a founder of the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts and served on the board for many years.
Email: Sandra.Tassel@conservecanada.org

Justin Thompson
Chair, Canadian Land Trust Working Group; Executive Director, Southern Alberta Land Trust Society
- The Land Trust Conservation Fund: Experiences and Lessons Learned From the Past Years to Build on for Tomorrow
Justin Thompson has been the Executive Director of SALTS for almost a decade. He learned about the organization when he was looking for options to preserve wildlife habitat and watersheds on his family’s ranch land in the foothills of southern Alberta. Justin and several of his neighbours decided to place conservation easements on their lands with SALTS. His positive experience with the organization and his passion for preserving natural landscapes led to him working full time on private land conservation. Prior to SALTS, he had a varied career in habitat conservation, renewable energy development, and his own green home-building business. While born and raised in Alberta, Justin has a B.Sc. in Biology/Environmental Science from Western University and a Masters in Public Administration from Carleton University.
Email: justin@salts.land

Susan Walmer
CEO, Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust; Co-chair, Canadian Land Trust Working Group
- Strategies for Funding Long-Term Stewardship
Susan Walmer is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust in Ontario, Canada. We work with citizens, land owners and neighbours to protect and steward ecologically significant properties, on and near the Oak Ridges Moraine through donations, purchases and conservation easements. Our community programs educate communities about the importance of protecting and conserving nature on the Moraine. Susan is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada and utilizes her financial background to establish revenue streams through grants and private donations to support operations and long-term stewardship of protected lands. Email: swalmer@oakridgesmoraine.org

Renata Woodward
Chair and Acting Interim ED, Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts
- Keynote: A Nation for Nature: Relevance, Collaboration and Connection
- Together we are stronger, more visible, and more credible: Advancing land conservation together through Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts
- Closing Remarks
Renata Woodward is a seasoned land trust practitioner who has spent most of her career working to protect the environment. Currently, she is a consultant who helps non-governmental organizations with engagement organizing, capacity building, fund-raising, land conservation, and policy development. She is a progressive leader, effective decision-maker, visionary, great communicator, and manager who can display sound judgment and bring the best out of a team of passionate and diverse people. Her expertise lies within the realms of capacity building, biodiversity, land and ocean conservation. Her education encompasses Natural Resource Management, Nursing, and international business and tourism. She lived, studied, and worked in British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Quebec.
Email: renatawoodward@gmail.com

Bethany Young
Stewardship Manager, The Nature Trust of New Brunswick
- The Urge to Purge: Terrestrial Invasive Species on Nature Preserves
Bethany Young is the Stewardship Manager at the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, an organization whose mission is to conserve and steward private lands across the province and engage with New Brunswickers on the importance of caring for the biodiversity and landscapes around us. Since 2014, she has been working with the Nature Trust on securing funding, engaging with and training volunteers, and learning more about New Brunswick’s natural heritage. She is continually amazed by the incredible people she meets, including the directors, staff, land donors, and dedicated voluntary land stewards all working to conserve and steward some of the province’s most ecologically significant places. As Stewardship Manager, she oversees the care of over 70 nature preserves and 10,000+ acres of ecologically significant land with an excellent team of staff and 300+ volunteer stewards. She holds a Bachelor’s degree of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies, with a Minor in Environmental Studies, and embraces opportunities like this conference to continually learn.
Email: bethany.young@ntnb.org