Regional Land Trust Alliances
Centre for Land Conservation (CLC)
The Centre for Land Conservation, established in 2019, focuses on supporting private land conservation through research, policy, and the maintenance of the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices. CLC works with the community as an independent voice to enhance public trust and confidence in private land conservation in Canada. For more information, visit the CLC website.
Wildlife Habitat Canada, Natural Heritage Conservation Program (NHCP)-Land Trusts Conservation Fund (LTCF)
The LTCF has been renewed in 2023!
To be considered for the 2023-2024 NHCP-LTCF Large Grants Program, completed Application Forms and required documentation are to be submitted between March 15, 2023, and April 17, 2023. Prospective awardees, please review the Year 5 guidelines for deadlines and important dates below.
To be eligible for funding in Year 5, projects must close between April 1, 2023 and NEW* February 15, 2024.
For up-to-date information regarding the Land Trusts Conservation Fund program, please visit the WHC website.